
Founded in 1975, TSLPOA has over 150 active member property owners on Two Sisters Lake, a 719 acre lake located in Oneida County, WI. TSLPOA’s purpose is to foster in the area the conservation of natural resources, the preservation of environmental qualities, zoning compatible with such conservation and preservation, water safety, outdoor recreation and fairness in taxes and otherwise to promote the social welfare of the inhabitants of the area.
Lake Stewardship
We have a proactive AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES PREVENTION PROGRAM and anyone can make a tax deductible donation to defer the cost of this program. Additionally, individuals can volunteer or join our staff to monitor boats entering our lake to assist in fighting AIS. Two Sisters Lake also is protected by a law prohibiting enhanced wakes. Wakesurfing, use of ballast and operating a boat in bow-high manner to enhance wakes are prohibited under the Newbold town ordinance
Not a TSLPOA member, but a lake resident?  Join the Two Sisters Lake Property Owners Association TODAY!
TSL Merchandise Sales 2025

Help raise money for our AIS Prevention Program by purchasing TSL merchandise CLICK HERE
Upcoming TSLPOA Events
No Events at this time.